Exam Preparation
For many students, preparing for exams can be confusing and stressful. Liz finds what works best for each individual, using visual and spatial approaches to aid memory. She embeds revision strategies based on a students strengths and works with them to improve exam techniques.
Where Exam Access Arrangements are appropriate she can help identify, evidence and practice approaches to allow students to have a fair and equal playing-field.
She focuses on building positive mindset with practical strategies that the student can practise and embed. This process takes much of the stress and panic out of exams.
1 to 1: Identify Strengths
How does your brain work best? Liz creates your individual plan.
Exam Technique Training
This includes helping you to approach, time and sequence your plan of attack! Ask questions in a safe, collaborative space to work the way that suits you best.
On Track
From time to time, we check progress and review our route map. At this point we may need to change tack or tackle gaps.
"From the beginning, Liz understood my daughter and her potential"